Christina Wormley
February 2021
OR/Interventional Radiology
Novant Health UVA Culpeper Medical Center
Christina was so sweet, kind, caring, supportive and I was so thankful for such a delightful experience.
I had to have an injection in my spine. I was a nervous wreck! Christina was my nurse who came in with the doctor's assistant and introduced him and she answered a lot of questions along with him to explain the procedure. After he left to prepare things for me, she stayed in my room and talked to me, and told me everything will be OK. I was in the best hands with the doctor, his assistant, and that beautiful team of nurses who were so kind and thoughtful, and caring to me. They eased my mind before my procedure, the nurse at the head of my bed held my hands to ease my mind. They explained every step as the doctor proceeded to do my injection. The one at the bottom of my bed patted my foot and told me I was doing a great job. He was almost done and the assistant explained the X-ray machine as they used it and afterward showed me on that screen what he did and where the needle went in. Very precise in terms I understood completely. Afterward, the doctor was very nice, asked if I was feeling OK.
Meanwhile, the nurses helped me get onto my bed made "laughter" and conversation as I was leaving and saying good-byes. Thank you's to all of them. THE WHOLE TEAM was GREAT and helpful kind, courteous, and helped me RELAX before and during my hospital visit. I am so very grateful to each and every one. Christina helped me to my room and made me rest ½ hour before discharge, monitored me, helped me into my wheelchair after I dressed. She talked to me, asked me if I was feeling OK, and gave me papers with numbers to call if I had questions or pain then wheeled me out to the car and waited with me until the family pulled up. She was so sweet, kind, caring, supportive and I was so thankful for such a delightful - blessed experience at Culpeper Hospital with an AMAZING TEAM. Thank you so much!
Meanwhile, the nurses helped me get onto my bed made "laughter" and conversation as I was leaving and saying good-byes. Thank you's to all of them. THE WHOLE TEAM was GREAT and helpful kind, courteous, and helped me RELAX before and during my hospital visit. I am so very grateful to each and every one. Christina helped me to my room and made me rest ½ hour before discharge, monitored me, helped me into my wheelchair after I dressed. She talked to me, asked me if I was feeling OK, and gave me papers with numbers to call if I had questions or pain then wheeled me out to the car and waited with me until the family pulled up. She was so sweet, kind, caring, supportive and I was so thankful for such a delightful - blessed experience at Culpeper Hospital with an AMAZING TEAM. Thank you so much!