Christine Wendt
October 2022
Emergency Department
Morristown Medical Center, Atlantic Health Systems
United States




Christine is an important resource to the ED and is an avid advocate for patients and team members. She has made such an impact in the ED and always makes a positive contribution.
Christine Wendt is currently a clinical specialist in the Emergency Department (ED) but has been a team member at Morristown Medical Center (MMC) for over 20 years. She obtained her Master’s in Nursing Education in 2020 from Drexel University and is an asset to the Emergency Department Team. In the ED, she is active on the Patient Focus and Practice Council committees, as well as Chair of the Research committee. Christine is also credited for assisting in the development of the Hire Learner Nurse Residency program in the Emergency Department. What started as an MMC initiative, is now a system-wide program set forth to recruit nurses to further develop their skills in a clinical setting. Christine works with brand-new nurses to teach them the importance of patient care while considering quality and safety measures.

As the unit educator, she is there from the beginning of their new career and is the first impression they have of nursing. Christine is very enthusiastic about promoting research in the department. She assists with all students who are working to further their education and require a research study. She also helps the evidence-based practice scholars in the ED, helping to ease the submissions to the IRB.

Just last year she was published in the Journal of Emergency Nursing for her study on Prone Positioning of Patients with Coronavirus Disease. She presented the article for the New Jersey State Nurses Association (NJSNA) and shortly after the article was published in March 2021, she received an invite to be interviewed by a member from Her most recent study involved the integration of smartboard technology into daily huddle, which she also submitted an abstract for to be published. Christine organized the idea to have an electronic version of huddle displayed to staff daily to ensure the efficient and consistent delivery of information to all staff. Christine creates weekly PowerPoint slides that contain pertinent information, weekly themes, quality & safety issues, etc. Pre and post-questionnaire results were compared on the impact of huddle board technology. Improvements were noted in how often staff received huddle upon arrival and the impact huddle has on the ability to perform their job. This is one of the many examples of how, as an empowered nurse, Christine promotes a safer and healthier work environment.

Christine is an important resource to the ED and is an avid advocate for patients and team members. She has made such an impact in the ED and always makes a positive contribution. She incessantly looks for creative ways to promote staff awareness and strives to keep staff informed of updates and changes in the workplace. She has a positive outlook on the nursing practice, education, research, and patient care, and frequently makes positive, meaningful differences, without the need for recognition. Christine constantly goes above and beyond and is truly an asset to the Emergency Department team.