Colleen Rogers
December 2022
Emergency Department
Ochsner Medical Center-Kenner
United States




Colleen showed compassion for her patient and family. She individualized care according to her patient’s needs.
A teenager presented to the ED due to behavioral problems at home. The teenager arrived via EMS in 4-point restraints. She was very agitated even after receiving medication from EMS and ED. Colleen spent time with the patient and her mother and was able to calm the patient down. When it came time for the patient to discharge, she and her mother did not have a ride home. Colleen spoke with the patient’s mother and let her know that she would pay for an Uber or Lyft to get them home. The patient’s mother asked if she could take a taxi instead as opposed to ride shares, so that her daughter would be more comfortable and calmer on the ride home. Colleen agreed, wheeled the patient out of the ED, and assisted the patient to get settled in the taxi. Colleen then paid for the taxi and a tip for the driver with her own money. In doing this, Colleen showed compassion for her patient and family. She individualized care according to her patient’s needs. Thank you, Colleen, for all you do for our patients and team. You truly made a difference in this teenager’s life that night.