Corinne Wright
November 2022
MultiCare Deaconess Hospital
United States
Corrine is a very helpful charge nurse and truly wants to help patients the best she can.
Corinne is such a passionate, knowledgeable, and great leader on our team. She is a very helpful charge nurse and truly wants to help patients the best she can. She will easily jump in when others need help. Corinne also is always trying to improve our unit and better patient safety outcomes through all of the committees she is involved in.
I thoroughly enjoy working alongside her and she makes work fun during it. Another thing I love apart from her uplifting positive spirit and outlook on life is that she truly makes lemonade out of lemons. If you ever need a “pick me up” come hang out with her for a day. Thanks for all that you do, Corinne!
I thoroughly enjoy working alongside her and she makes work fun during it. Another thing I love apart from her uplifting positive spirit and outlook on life is that she truly makes lemonade out of lemons. If you ever need a “pick me up” come hang out with her for a day. Thanks for all that you do, Corinne!