Courtney McPherson
April 2019
Nurse Manager, NICU
Covenant Health Lubbock
United States




Everyone was in tears to see how Courtney went out of her way to help this sweet family. Not only for mom but baby too.
We have a patient who delivered her baby girl at 28 weeks due to a sudden illness. This patient was 19 weeks pregnant when she found a small lump in her breast. After much debate, she and her husband decided to continue with the pregnancy and forgo treatment for breast cancer. Due to the rapid progression of the cancer due to her pregnancy hormones, the physicians decided she needed to deliver at 28 weeks gestation. After delivery, their baby girl was sent to the NICU unit at only 3 lbs. Our patient started on chemotherapy after she recovered from delivery. Now, 4 weeks later, she is extremely ill and in the hospital on East 7. Courtney showed up on our unit and spoke to the family to make arrangements for their now 4 lb baby girl to make the trip to CMC to see her mom and dad. Dad has been staying with Mom, so he hasn't been able to see the baby either. Courtney spoke to the E7 manager to help make the arrangements. She had to get MD approval and make arrangements for a nurse to accompany her and for the ground ambulance to bring them over. Once the team arrived on E7 with the baby, she placed her in her mother's arms and allowed her time to bond with her newborn. This was a magical moment and all the staff on East 7 joined in by coming by. Everyone was in tears to see how Courtney went out of her way to help this sweet family. Not only for mom but baby too. This is a moment none of us will forget. All 5 of Covenant's values shined through Courtney during this time for this family. These are the things Covenant employees are made of. This was also a great display of how we all work together.