Courtney Moorehouse
June 2021
Texas Children's Hospital - Pavilion for Women
United States




Courtney was so knowledgeable about positioning tricks pulling out cool things like the Lavonne Circuit to help baby descend and get into a better position.
I was 19 hours into a difficult labor when Courtney’s shift started. As soon as she came in the room you could sense her positive attitude and meaningful attentive care. My baby was in a difficult position for delivery and labor was stalled. Nurse Courtney knew I wanted to avoid a C-section and any further interventions. She was so knowledgeable about positioning tricks pulling out cool things like the Lavonne Circuit to help baby descend and get into a better position. She was supportive of my choice to get an epidural but understood that I wanted to limit other interventions. She worked so hard physically to help me position my body during contractions and even gently move my body to help move labor along. I have no doubt that she is the reason I avoided a c-section! She was the most crucial puzzle piece to taking my labor and delivery experience from something not ideal to something that was what I had hoped for! She expertly balanced the need for attentive medical care to urgent issues like the baby’s dropping heart rate by giving me space to mentally cope or actively encouraging me that we were making progress and not to give up. She’s the best nurse I’ve ever had, and I’ll never forget what a gift she was to me that day!