Daisy Mackie
February 2019
Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center
Las Vegas
United States




When I think of what a model nurse is I now think of Daisy in the ICU. I have never experienced the quality of care like that I received with Daisy. She truly cares about her patients spending time explaining everything in helpful detail and learning about me as a total person (not just a medical stat sheet). Daisy went to great lengths to learn what would make me comfortable in the quiet moments between treatments. An extra blanket, a swap for a beverage I prefer, a quick joke to perk up my spirit. Daisy does whatever is needed to help me feel better.
Daisy was there for me in some of my most painful, uncomfortable moments, holding me steady and giving me confidence everything would be ok. She made sure all the moving pieces (tests, meds, therapy, scans, etc) went off without a hitch. With Daisy, I always felt I was in great hands, which truly means the world when you're sitting in ICU. Thanks for your positive spirit, care, and amazing bedside manner, Daisy. You made the darkest days of my life so much better. I am so grateful for you and the incredible job you do each and every day. You truly set the standard for genuine care and excellence.