Danelle Hammer
November 2018
Sierra View Medical Center
United States




Nurse Danelle is one of the most personable, patient and caring people that I have ever met. My 84-year-old father fell and hit his head on the cement. He had a large contusion on his head so we took him to SVMC emergency room. Nurse Danelle was very sympathetic with my dad and took the time to hear him out and explained to him what the hospital will be doing for him. I know this is probably standard procedure, but Danelle's tone of voice, her body language and mannerism are what put my dad at ease. From my personal experience, most medical personnel, especially in the ER, want to get down to the nitty-gritty, treat you and get you out as soon as possible. They really don't have or take the time to listen to the patient story, especially from an older person. Older people have to tell you their whole life story before they get to the point of how they ended up in the ER.
Nurse Danelle was very patient with my dad but kept things moving along in a very professional yet humane manner. Not once did I hear nurse Danelle speak to anyone else in the ER, in anything but a professional and respectful manner. Thank you SVMC for providing the type of care and compassion that should always be present when people seek medical services.