David Woller
August 2012
Maternity Services
Seton Medical Center Hays
United States
David Woller was our nurse for 2 of the 3 days that I was in the hospital, and he deserves recognition for many reasons. David is an example to his peers and a huge asset to Seton Hays. In addition to his outstanding nursing skills, his expertise as a lactation consultant is invaluable. Breast feeding twins is not an easy task and having his skills available throughout the days he cared for us really helped. I believe that he is the reason that I am still breastfeeding my girls today (7 weeks later). When I was having trouble with feedings he would go check on his other patients and complete his pending tasks so that he could come back and spend the necessary time with me to identify why we were having trouble. He would assist me with positioning, latch and demonstrated different techniques to help determine what was best for us. I feel that his time management skills are to be admired because he always made sure that his other patients were cared for prior to spending the extra time with us that we needed.
Another area that David excelled in was his bedside manner. I was always treated very well by everyone involved with my care, but I was impressed with the way David interacted with both me and my husband. My husband is extremely supportive and very involved with the care of our girls. Most others who came in to check on me would reiterate to my husband that I needed help and that I needed his support. David recognized how involved my husband was, acknowledged his involvement and commended him on his support. This reinforced our teamwork and made both of us feel good about how we were progressing together as first-time parents.
Finally, I feel that David is a true patient advocate. I had a few concerns during my hospital stay, and he was always very proactive and punctual in trying to resolve any concerns that I had. Please let David know what a difference he made in our hospital stay, and that his dedication to his job did not go unnoticed.
Another area that David excelled in was his bedside manner. I was always treated very well by everyone involved with my care, but I was impressed with the way David interacted with both me and my husband. My husband is extremely supportive and very involved with the care of our girls. Most others who came in to check on me would reiterate to my husband that I needed help and that I needed his support. David recognized how involved my husband was, acknowledged his involvement and commended him on his support. This reinforced our teamwork and made both of us feel good about how we were progressing together as first-time parents.
Finally, I feel that David is a true patient advocate. I had a few concerns during my hospital stay, and he was always very proactive and punctual in trying to resolve any concerns that I had. Please let David know what a difference he made in our hospital stay, and that his dedication to his job did not go unnoticed.