Deb Helstowki
May 2021
Progressive Care Unit
Baptist Medical Center Beaches




Deb enjoys teaching you and helping you out
When I graduated from the RN residency program and began taking on patients of my own, I was terrified! I oriented on days and then switched to nights and began working with a brand new staff. Even though I learned a lot during my orientation, I still felt unprepared. My anxiety was through the roof my first few weeks. Quickly I learned that I had a team of nurses around me that were always willing to answer my questions and help out when I was unsure of how to do something.
I found that my ANM, Deb Helstowki, was an incredible resource to rely on. I literally would not have survived my first year of nursing without her. She is a wealth of knowledge and is always willing to answer questions, explain rationales for clinical care and policies, and assist with clinical skills that may be unfamiliar to new nurses. The best part is that she always makes you feel that she enjoys teaching you and helping you out. She also consistently asks her staff if they need any assistance and will help with difficult blood draws, IVs, and admissions.
On many occasions, she has gone above and beyond with patient care and assisting new nurses. For example, when I had my first post-op patient, Deb stayed in the patient's room with me for over an hour to walk me through how to do everything and where to chart it. This also allowed me to step out periodically and check on my other patients. Since this type of patient was brand new to me, she ensured that I learned what to do and more importantly, that the patient was safe and adequately cared for. On another occasion, she assisted me with my first code 12. Deb was calm under pressure and helped me navigate all of the questions that the RR team asked me. After the patient was stabilized, the patient was very scared and wanted her husband to be by her side. Deb stayed by the patient's side and comforted her for over an hour until her husband arrived. By doing this she was also able to vigilantly monitor the patient's new cardiac drip and vitals, providing me the opportunity to care for my other four patients.
I could continue with more examples, but the referenced ones above paint a picture of the type of leader Deb is. She provides this level of coaching and mentorship for all of the new nurses on our unit. I have learned so much from her and my knowledge and skillset grow every shift because of her!