Debbie L Kirk
February 2022
Debbie L
Hahne Cancer Center of Penn Highlands Healthcare DuBois
Penn Highlands healthcare-DuBois
United States




She held my grandmother and whispered calm assurances as she took her final breaths and then she turned around and comforted my grandfather as he dealt with the loss of his best friend and life partner.
My grandmother was diagnosed with two different types of cancer. She underwent multiple surgeries, and countless procedures, and was eventually sent to receive chemotherapy. While the surgeries left her body weak and the chemotherapy caused extreme nausea and fatigue, my grandmother loved her visits to Penn Highland Dubois’s chemotherapy clinic where she got to see her “girls”, one of them being Deborah Kirk.

Though she was in near constant pain, struggling with vertigo and nausea, and riddled with cancer that just kept spreading her spirits were as high as ever because of the care and comfort she received from Debbie. On the worst of days when she didn’t want to go because she felt so awful the one thing that got her there was knowing that the next few hours would be filled with Debbie’s laughter, love, and care. Debbie shined as the brightest light during some of these darkest times. It brought my family and me such peace of mind knowing that Debbie was overseeing my grandmother’s care, especially since we all live hundreds of miles away.

This care alone is enough to make Debbie a DAISY Nurse. However, the reason I am nominating Debbie today is because she went above and beyond the call of duty and exemplified not only what it means to be a nurse in a professional capacity, but what it is to embody nursing as a passion. My grandmother’s health continued to deteriorate, and she was transitioned first to palliative care and then to hospice. Debbie, having previously been a hospice nurse, helped my family understand the road that lies before us. She was gracious and patient in answering all our questions, leaving the door open should we need to reach out with any new concerns. During my grandmother’s last few weeks, she commented often about how the worst part of being in the palliative and hospice care programs was not getting to go to the clinic to see her girls. It was clear how much they all meant to her.

When my grandmother’s final moments were quickly approaching my grandfather and his brother were the only ones there with her and were experiencing a great amount of distress. They were unable to get a hold of the hospice team and found themselves jumping through telephone hoops to get someone out to help ease my grandmother’s discomfort. In a panic, my grandfather called Debbie. She was there in 20 minutes. Her presence brought calmness and composure to one of the toughest moments in my grandmother's and my grandfather’s lives. She held my grandmother and whispered calm assurances as she took her final breaths and then she turned around and comforted my grandfather as he dealt with the loss of his best friend and life partner. She was quite literally the glue that held my family together that day.

There are no words that can express the emotions and the gratitude that her actions evoked. Debbie is an angel on earth to my family. Being a nurse myself I understand the complexities and struggles of providing excellent care, maintaining HIPAA, and balancing personal-professional relationships. I am in awe of the grace with which Debbie navigated all the above.