Debbie Rich
March 2019
Pediatric Unit
Midland Memorial Hospital
United States




Debbie was nominated by a patient and her mother for being more like a grandmother than a nurse because she was so warm and caring. Debbie incorporated the patient into her care and explained what she was doing. She also brought the patient a stuffed unicorn, candy canes, and a sippy cup. Each night, Debbie would tell the patient to sleep and dream of unicorns in lollipop fields with rainbow bridges and that the sandman would sprinkle purple glitter over her. The mother said that Debbie is a gem among gems in nursing and they have never experienced such wonderful care and comfort in any other hospital.
Debbie is described by her peers and manager as very knowledgeable and is someone who communicates well with parents. She goes above and beyond to make each patient and family feel they are special and welcomed with open arms at Midland Memorial. If it's a patient's birthday, she and another nurse make sure they get an extra special gift. She has even made quilts for patients!
Debbie is a team player and often waits until last to put her schedule in so that she can cover some of the shift holes. She is also willing to work overtime so that her peers don't have to work short-staffed. It is a pleasure having Debbie on the Pediatric Team.
Because of Debbie's compassionate and caring efforts, her patients experience a level of care that exemplifies the impact nurses have in creating an environment where patients and families feel at home.