May 2021
Northwest Specialty Hospital
United States




This incredible nurse was compassionate, empathetic, and calming.
Deb let me know right away what the plan for me was at beginning of her shift. This incredible nurse was compassionate, empathetic, and calming. Her announcement to me was, "We are not chasing pain." I had just got back from ACDF surgery. This was incredibly painful!
Deb was on top of my whole care, from offering washcloths to me, to offering a brand-new hair tie. Her critical thinking skills were very evident in reducing my pain, and not just with narcotics. I am a retired nurse administration supervisor. Deb really shined as a professional. She kept me on her radar, always checking vitals, positioning in my bed to avoid prolonged exposure to boney prominences. Getting me moving by walking with me, while talking, and encouraging me.
Thank you to each of my caregivers with the painful procedure. I will think of all of you, especially Deb. She embodies the mission statement of NWSH.