Debra Hobbs
October 2021
Med Surg
Weatherford Regional Hospital
United States




The kind, gentle, compassionate care Debra gave to W and all the family members during our brief stay will forever be etched in our hearts and minds.
On behalf of our family, I would like to express our deepest thanks to the hospital staff and especially to Debra Hobbs, the charge nurse on duty when W passed. On that day W was the only patient in that wing of the hospital and we were surprised and extremely grateful the entire family was allowed to stay with him in his final hours. The kind, gentle, compassionate care Debra gave to W and all the family members during our brief stay will forever be etched in our hearts and minds. We were awed and admired the way she spoke to him and cared for him as if he were her father, even though they had never met prior to that morning. She kept us informed of his deteriorating state while giving extra special care to him and the family until he succumbed to his condition. She exhibited empathy to all of us even during our darkest hour. On one occasion I had asked her to help W with his breathing as he was unresponsive and seemed to have an abundance of fluid in his lungs. After Debra and her team completed the aspiration to remove the fluids, I thanked her again for keeping him comfortable and as we visited, I noticed the tears in her eyes and on her face as she expressed how special our family was to be there with W in his final hours. Debra expressed to us and to W in her actions, kindness, compassion, and sincere care, a pure example of unconditional love that is clearly needed in this world today. She knew and understood our wishes as a family. God bless her and thank you for allowing her to be there for W and his family. We will forever be grateful for her presence that day. Debra exemplifies the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses.