Demetris Jantuah
January 2021
Holy Cross Hospital




Demetris afforded us the opportunity, which she graciously presented to us without our prompting, to visit our loved one; again going over and above the call of duty in her hectic day.
In the midst of this pandemic healthcare workers are pushed to the max; as if they weren't already, but now even more so. They are called on to stand in the gap at a time when family members and loved ones cannot. Demetris Jantuah was that nurse for us. For five days straight, she never wavered; tended to our numerous phone calls, questions, and concerns with grace and an enormous amount of patience.
Demetris afforded us the opportunity, which she graciously presented to us without our prompting, to visit our loved one; again going over and above the call of duty in her hectic day. Then, when the day we were dreading was upon us, again with no hesitation, she quickly produced the appropriate staff to be present to provide spiritual support. Demetris was also choked up, stepping away, but again went right back into action. Her human side, her heart was revealed yet again.
Demetris was there for us; placed, we believe intentionally from above. This letter is not just to nominate Demetris for the DAISY Award, but to express with heart-felt sincerity...Thank You!