Denise Christianson
September 2022
Palliative Care
Covenant Medical Center
United States




I don't know that I have ever seen a patient's face light up like hers did when she saw her new shoes.
I watched Denise for months as she cared for one of our patients. This patient had been in the hospital for months and was unable to be placed due to mental health issues. She often got restless and would yell and hit due to not being able to control her emotions. Many were scared off by her actions, but not Denise. Denise took the time to go above and beyond to make sure this patient was cared for.

The patient had grown impatient with being in her room and wanted to get out. She was upset because she didn't have any shoes that fit her. Denise took her "shopping". She put her in a wheelchair and wheeled her to the salvation army room where they tried on shoes and clothes. Denise went to the store that night and got her all-new shoes and pajamas so she would be comfortable. I don't know that I have ever seen a patient's face light up like hers did when she saw her new shoes. Denise would let her sit and color by her at the nurse’s station so she would not have to be alone. She even got her new bags when she was finally discharged so she didn't have to use the patient belonging bags.

This patient can’t recognize Denise for all she has done, but I truly hope that if I am ever in the hospital, I will be cared for with the same love that this patient was. I am proud to get to work alongside someone who truly lives out our mission statement of "As expressions of God’s healing love, witnessed through the ministry of Jesus, we are steadfast in serving all, especially those who are poor and vulnerable." Denise showed God's love to this patient day after day, even when it wasn't easy because it was the right thing to do.