Denise Johnson
May 2013
DartmouthHitchcock Medical Center
United States
Denise, I am writing to thank you for the superb nursing care you provided me this last month. I am not sure that I can define excellence in nursing care, but I certainly know what it is when I am the recipient of it. From the moment I walked into the office, you were the consummate nursing professional who made me feel that I was receiving the best care possible. When I told you about my condition and symptoms, I sensed a depth of understanding from you that convinced me that you knew exactly how I was feeling and that you completely understood the medical issues I was experiencing. This was extremely reassuring. When you told me you were going to teach me to self-catheterize, it was the last thing I wanted to learn. But you did it, and I felt confident that I could take care of myself. Although you could not give me an exact timeline for how things would turn out, you let me know that you were confident that what was happening to me was well within a normal range of expectations. This was even more reassuring. I called you every day for a week, and you always made me feel that I wasn't being a burden or overreacting, and most importantly, that my anxiety and my condition were something that time and care would cure. You were right! Thank you so much for providing the nursing care that everyone hopes for. I can only begin to tell you how grateful I am.