Desiree West
June 2020
LCC Prentice Infusion
Northwestern Medical Group
United States




Desiree and I met as I started my journey through breast cancer on my very first day of treatment, while I was having my port accessed for bloodwork and treatment. She made an extremely positive first impression and was a calming influence for me. She caringly walked me through the process of what to expect in my first infusion. For 12 weeks, Desiree cared for me and checked in with me when I first had a different infusion nurse. On my 12th and final chemotherapy infusion, Desiree was off duty, but she surprised me by coming to the clinic on her day off and joined me for the last two hours of my treatment, and came to celebrate the ringing of the "gong" with me. When asked why she came in on her day off, Desiree said, "Ms. G. and I made it this far, I had to see her through to the end. We spent all these weeks together and I had to see her ring the gong!"