Diemmai N. Ilustre
July 2022
Diemmai N.
Ambulatory Nursing
Texas Children's Hospital – Main Campus
United States




She made him laugh, eased his fears, wiped his tears, and assured him he would be ok.
Diemmai has gone above and beyond to make my 4 year old comfortable during his IVIG. When my son started infusions he was just 3 years old. He was scared and Diemmai stood by his side the whole time. She made him laugh, eased his fears, wiped his tears, and assured him he would be ok. Since that first time, my son has called her Nana. She has touched all of our hearts. She has personally reached out to me to check on my son after infusions and eased my worries and addressed my concerns. During one of our infusion appointments, she brought goodies from her house that were superheroes because we call ourselves the Superman team. It is because of her that my 4-year-old now walks in his infusion completely fearless. All of our infusion team is excellent but Nana has repetitively gone above and beyond and for that, we believe she is a true DAISY Nurse.