Donna Howard
December 2020
Mercy Internal Medicine Clinic
Mercy Hospital Northwest Arkansas and Clinics




Donna went to her Amazon account and purchased him a new BP cuff and had it delivered to his home at no charge to him. This was out of the goodness of her heart.
Donna is an outstanding nurse. She always watches out for her patients and is always ready and willing to help them however needed. She is very compassionate and not only tries her best to take care of the patients' health situation but when aware of a personal need, she goes out of her way to assist them. She goes above and beyond to make sure our patients are taken care of and that they have a great experience with Mercy.
One of our patients came in with a very high BP reading and Donna asked him if he had been testing his BP at home. He let her know that his cuff broke, and he could not afford to purchase a new one. She went to her Amazon account and purchased him a new BP cuff and had it delivered to his home at no charge to him. This was out of the goodness of her heart.
Another day she witnessed an elderly patient sitting outside waiting for the doors to open. This patient took a $22 taxi to come to her appointment that morning. She stated that she was on a fixed income and this taxi ride was very high. When the nurse found out she was so moved with compassion for her that she suggested the patient use Uber instead because it may be cheaper. The patient was unaware of how to use Uber, so this nurse offered to schedule an Uber ride for her when she was ready to be picked up. The patient was so grateful and so appreciative that she did not have to worry about getting home. She is truly showing the Mercy Spirit and we are so blessed to have her at Mercy!