Donna Rogers
June 2023
Radiation Oncology
Aurora Medical Center - Oshkosh
United States




Since this was my 2nd time going through breast cancer treatment, I was feeling angry about the situation. Donna truly empathized with me and was encouraging.
Even though I am an RN myself, Donna took care to explain the radiation therapy process to me just as she would explain it to another non-healthcare-oriented person. That was great as radiation is not my field of practice. Since this was my 2nd time going through breast cancer treatment, I was feeling angry about the situation. Donna truly empathized with me and was encouraging.

Every week I saw Donna on Mondays. She carefully checked my skin and when I experienced burns, she offered helpful suggestions on how to relieve the discomfort and keep my skin intact. When Dr. H prescribed corticosteroid ointment, Donna reviewed the medication thoroughly with me in plain language and guided me in its use.

Donna and I discussed my diet and nutrition related to healing. She explained the fatigue I was feeling and offered assistance with excusing me from my work schedule as needed. My 3rd week into treatment was the most difficult! I was not in a good place with my mental health and was considering discontinuing my radiation therapy. I was quite unsure about being able to complete the treatment. Donna first asked me if I had mental health support and then gave me an opportunity to explain the plan I had developed with my Behavioral Health professional. Just going over the plan was helpful in that I was able to cite my past successes with my established plan. Donna was again very encouraging.

We talked about all that is involved with enduring the therapy on this side rather than facing the possible consequences of discontinuing treatment on the other side. Donna helped me see the bigger picture rather than focusing on the immediate distress I was in. Donna praised me for following instructions and implementing the tips and tricks she had offered. I was doing a "good job" helping myself through the process. I really appreciate having a thoughtful, caring, compassionate nurse to guide me through this radiation therapy. Donna is knowledgeable about everything that came up during my treatment and took the time to listen and respond to my concerns. Donna made me feel as if I received special treatment. Kudos to Donna!