Donna S. Henry
September 2022
Donna S.
Labor and Delivery
Columbus Regional Hospital
United States




Everything from that early morning in the triage room is blurry, but I remember Donna telling me with true compassion in her voice that everything was going to be okay.
May X has, over the last two years, become a very big day for my family. May X is the day that my first son was born and little did I know it was also the day that my second son would be born as well. You are probably thinking, what are the odds of that? So were we… Here is how it went. Very early in the morning, I woke up to contractions. I was only 33 weeks and 4 days pregnant, so I thought they surely were just Braxton Hicks. I had been in quarantine from my husband and toddler for less than 8 hours after testing positive for Covid-19 the night before. I lay in bed, tossing and turning as the contractions began getting stronger and closer together.

Before I get too far into my story, I should mention that I am a Labor & Delivery Nurse at CRH as well. Being a labor nurse, I knew everything that these contractions could be. So I did everything I knew to do in order to stop them. About an hour into these contractions, my efforts were failing. I was beginning to worry. I began thinking about who might be at the hospital that I could text for advice. This is where Donna began making a difference in my story. Donna is one of my very good friends, but she is also a Lead on our unit. I texted her to see if she was at work and she was. I told her what was going on. Even through text messages, where I was very clearly concerned, she remained calm and listened to my symptoms, and gave me more suggestions to try before it became obvious that I needed to come to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, Donna met my husband and me at the door (fully garbed in PPE). I was Covid positive! She walked us to the unit and got us settled in the triage room. Everything from that early morning in the triage room is blurry, but I remember Donna telling me with true compassion in her voice that everything was going to be okay. At this time, we believed that everything would be okay… it was too early to have a baby and it was my other son's birthday, so in my mind, there was no way that this baby was coming that day. Donna did a full assessment and after finding out that I was 4cm and appearing to be in active labor, Donna again said, “I am so sorry, S. It’s going to be okay.” I believed her.

I was moved to a labor room and things started quickly happening around us. An IV, countless medications, nurses (my friends), a catheter, all things were happening around us trying to stop this baby from coming at 33 weeks. I begged and begged for an epidural but the doctor was stubborn and didn’t want to admit that I was having this baby (I didn’t want to admit it either, but man I wanted that epidural!). Thankfully, Donna along with other nurses, pleaded for me and I was able to get some relief!! Not only did Donna do all of these things, but she stayed over her shift by a few HOURS to care for us... I am not sure I would stay over to take care of someone with Covid-19, even if it was my friend.

I don’t need to tell my full birth story for you to know that Donna gave us beyond outstanding care. She made me feel safe and she gave me a feeling of peace that everything would be okay even when I wasn’t sure. Her compassion and her confidence allowed my husband and me not to worry. It is not easy to take care of a friend, let alone a coworker on top of that (or vice versa). We are so thankful for Donna and the care that she gave us, and sure enough... our baby boy was born that afternoon. It has taken me a while to submit this nomination, but I want Donna’s care to be recognized and I want her to know just how thankful we are!