Elizabeth Komp
September 2022
Child Adolescent Eating Disorders
Rogers Behavioral Health
United States




When I say that Elizabeth has been there from the beginning, it’s the truth; from CAU to CAED, she provided a non-judgmental listening ear for me to open up and express my feelings during our check-ins.
Elizabeth is my hero, who gave me the skills and lessons to get me where I am in my recovery today. During treatment, I had many distressing emotions, as not only was my body changing, but so was my mind adjusting to a new lifestyle. I will forever be grateful for her caring, empathetic, and understanding heart. Our daily check-ins were the highlight of my night; I gained the support I needed for healing and was able to process my emotions with staff guidance.

When I say that Elizabeth has been there from the beginning, it’s the truth; from CAU to CAED, she provided a non-judgmental listening ear for me to open up and express my feelings during our check-ins. I felt safe talking to her, she was always honest with her communication and her expertise in nursing allowed for impactful guidance. This nurse was extremely patient with me every time I cried, when I was feeling hopeless and want to give up on myself during treatment, I could not have finished out treatment without her compassionate heart.

Lastly, Elizabeth's personality is something that I will never forget; she is funny, relatable, and down to earth. Wherever you are in your recovery, she will be there to meet you where you are and lead you to the path to excellence, even if that means sitting on the bathroom floor together after a long, hard day.