Emma Jensen
October 2023
Medical Solutions
United States




Her reactions and skills are quick and top notch. Staff always feel safe and secure to come to her.
Emma Jensen always has a positive attitude and gives all of her patients a personal touch. She also gives 110% during every shift she works. I could tell you many times how Emma goes above and beyond, but just recently she stayed past her shift with a patient to talk with the family who was very overwhelmed to help them work through the process, answer questions and help them make a choice on what the next step would be with their mom's care. Throughout their day the family felt that they were overwhelmed with specialists, tests and choices. Emma broke it all down for them, not making them feel rushed answering all of their questions even when her shift was over and she had already passed this patient on to the next nurse. The family already had felt comfortable with Emma and knew she wasn't going to be back the next day. But she still took the time knowing this was important to them to have the answers.
I have been working side by side with Emma for over two years now. I wouldn't trust another nurse the way I trust her. We have worked in codes together. Her reactions and skills are quick and top notch. Staff always feel safe and secure to come to her. Just the other day an aide came to her about a patient that wasn't assigned to her to let her know they were destating, Emma jumped into action. I followed, watching her in action is amazing. She saved this person's life! She noted just walking in the room the patient was at 65% on room air, she continued her assessment, hearing no lung sounds, noting they had a chest tube not hooked to suction, got it hooked up and working. I ran out and got oxygen tubing for him while she did all of this. I could go on and on with stories of how I have watched her save so many lives during covid and continues to do so, with her incredible nursing skills. I truly can not imagine someone more worthy of recognition.