Eric Schoun
July 2020
Beaumont Hospital - Wayne




Eric went back to Taylor in the EMS with the patient and met with the patient's RN, walked her through the process of care, and made sure all orders were placed properly.
Wayne is responsible for all of Taylor's IR patients. There were two patients who needed to come over for thrombolysis. Once a patient is treated for thrombolysis, we must admit to ICU until the treatment is completed. Eric went out of his way to set up the proper EMS unit for these two patients. One patient was brought over, and the procedure was done. Eric went back to Taylor in the EMS with the patient and met with the patient's RN, walked her through the process of care, and made sure all orders were placed properly. He then rode back to Wayne with the second patient and the procedure was done. This patient was transported back with EMS and accepted by Taylor ICU. After work, Eric took it upon himself, on his own time to go back to Taylor and check to see if the staff had any questions and the status of the patients. This is just one example of what an outstanding and caring nurse Eric is for every patient every day.