Erica Arteaga
October 2022
Medical ICU
University of Chicago Medicine
United States




Erica brought comfort to me the final two days. She listened with a kind ear as I struggled with coping with our loss
Today my mother goes home after 43 days of fighting the hardest battle of her life. In one hour her breathing tube will be removed. We will load up the ambulance to take her home where my family is waiting. We will all be at her side as she takes her last breath. While my mother has had nothing but a strong, dedicated, and brilliant team of clinicians during our extended stay, Erica brought comfort to me the final two days. She listened with a kind ear as I struggled with coping with our loss. Erica assured me our family has done all we could to give her the best chance at life. She cried with me and helped me hold it together while my best friend lay helpless in bed. My mother is the rock in our family. I thank you Erica for making my mother’s final two days as peaceful as possible. And for supporting me as a found new ways to cope. Your tender hands and gentle heart gave me the trust I needed.