Erica Capps
May 2021
Memorial Hermann Southeast




Erica kept her staff afloat, responding to every problem, trying to figure it out. I never once saw her get flustered, lose her cool, or show an ounce of unease.
Every time Erica steps foot into this department the mood changes. She's always there to help, uplift, and make the burden of working in one of the busiest ERs a little lighter. The staff wants to work for her; we will run our butts off for her because we know we're doing it as a team.
During the recent February freeze our management proactively asked people if they could come in and prepare to ride out the storm. Erica volunteered herself to come in on the day of her child's second birthday. She celebrated with him at home, then kissed her 2 and 4 year olds goodbye. She was here from Sunday and was going to go home on Tuesday evening. The numbers in the ER were at an all-time high. People were going on multiple days without electricity to keep warm, no power to be on their home oxygen, and no water to be able to go to their dialysis clinics.
Erica realized her staff was at a breaking point. She sent her ride-out crew home to rest and check on their homes. She welcomed in the relief crew. As part of the relief crew, walking in, was baffling. There were people in every hallway on chairs and beds. EMS crews with patients on their stretchers waiting to be able to go back in service. Erica chose to stay for her team instead of going home. Wednesday came around and we reached a record of over 90 patients in the waiting room. Erica kept her staff afloat, responding to every problem, trying to figure it out. I never once saw her get flustered, lose her cool, or show an ounce of unease. The staff didn't eat that day as we were so busy. Erica (31 weeks pregnant) stayed at work until Thursday night before being able to go home to her family.
It has been a tough year for healthcare workers in general, but Erica has taken every major event thrown at her and handled like it was any day of the week. Erica's selfless dedication to MH Southeast is unmatched even when she is handed the least desirable situations. I am proud to call her a leader in our department, and I know this resiliency and ability to advocate for staff and patients will take her far in her career.