Erika Woolman
May 2017
NCH Healthcare System
United States
I had stent surgery for a femoral artery done by Dr. Z. As I have had other issues with circulation, similar surgery was performed on two previous occasions, both of which were successful with a speedy recuperation. However, on this occasion, something went terribly wrong. After the surgical procedure, I was in the recovery room and paperwork was in process for my release.
The nurse assigned to me was Nurse Erika, who is a friendly and soothing individual to be with. She decided to check my surgical wound and discovered that it was bleeding profusely, the bandages were wet and soaking. She cleaned the area and was not able to stop the bleeding. Fortunately, Dr. Z was on the floor at that time and she summoned him. With her knowledge and the available equipment, they were able to stop the bleeding, which was quite substantial. Had Nurse Erika not been so knowledgeable and done her due diligence, I would most likely have been released and very likely would have "bled out" on the way home.
The situation doesn't end here though. My wife and I are seniors and have some difficulties with locomotion and we have a dog at home. Nurse Erika being made aware of this gave us assistance to locate someone to walk and feed our dog if it became necessary due to our precarious situation.
It is compassionate and knowledgeable professionals like Nurse Erika that keep her profession in such high regard and that make NCH such a highly regarded medical facility. My wife and I have both been patients for surgical procedures at NCH and have the utmost confidence in your professional staff and we would like to especially acknowledge both Nurse Erika for her professional expertise and skills, but also for her compassionate and humane attributes that make her a true DAISY Nurse.
The nurse assigned to me was Nurse Erika, who is a friendly and soothing individual to be with. She decided to check my surgical wound and discovered that it was bleeding profusely, the bandages were wet and soaking. She cleaned the area and was not able to stop the bleeding. Fortunately, Dr. Z was on the floor at that time and she summoned him. With her knowledge and the available equipment, they were able to stop the bleeding, which was quite substantial. Had Nurse Erika not been so knowledgeable and done her due diligence, I would most likely have been released and very likely would have "bled out" on the way home.
The situation doesn't end here though. My wife and I are seniors and have some difficulties with locomotion and we have a dog at home. Nurse Erika being made aware of this gave us assistance to locate someone to walk and feed our dog if it became necessary due to our precarious situation.
It is compassionate and knowledgeable professionals like Nurse Erika that keep her profession in such high regard and that make NCH such a highly regarded medical facility. My wife and I have both been patients for surgical procedures at NCH and have the utmost confidence in your professional staff and we would like to especially acknowledge both Nurse Erika for her professional expertise and skills, but also for her compassionate and humane attributes that make her a true DAISY Nurse.