Erin Hess
January 2023
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Little Rock
United States




Erin hugged and held the little boy, comforting him in a way that he needed.
I do not have enough room to write all the amazing things I witness Erin do. We had a baby who was passing away. One of the family members had a seizure. She had a son in the waiting room down stairs. Once that situation was handled, Erin volunteered herself to go look for the little boy. I went with her, along with another family member. The little boy asked, "is the baby okay?" The family member who walked down with us blurted out, "he is dead." The little boy pulled his hood over his head and instantly started crying. She hugged and held the little boy, comforting him in a way that he needed. He cried out "I was supposed to be an Uncle! I was so excited to be an Uncle!" Erin held him, telling him that he is still an Uncle and he will get through this. He is strong. Erin Hess deserves this award for the amount of compassion she showed when she wasn't asked to show it. She stayed with this family and helped them all day.