Erin Zimmerman
August 2017
Overlake Medical Center
United States
My daughter, K, arrived two months prematurely. I was scared to death about losing her when I learned that she had to get heart surgery at 5 weeks old. Holding her, I remember thinking, will I get to hold her again after her surgery? Will I still get to be her mother? Those thoughts consumed me. What makes Erin so special is her calm composure in helping me regain faith that K will get through this. Erin has helped me look forward to the future when I struggled to do so. She patiently answers all of my questions and is certainly K's best advocate when I cannot be there. From the very beginning, Erin is very open and honest with me about K's health status. Every little detail matters to me and Erin understood that. She has masterfully delivered care in the most gentle and attentive manner. From my daily observations of Erin, I have noticed that she does what she does because she genuinely cares about her patients and loves her job. I have seen her stay hours over her shift to help her colleagues with shift changes. I've seen her come in even for a short shift because her team needed the coverage. Erin is a true DAISY Nurse.