Erin Zinkievich
May 2024
Triage Center
Upstate University Hospital Health System
United States
Erin stayed composed and treated the woman with respect and gained her trust.
Erin handled a phone call from a woman who was experiencing a mental health crisis. The family was homeless, living in a hotel, and there was a child involved. Based on the woman's behavior, there was a real concern for the child's safety. Utilizing therapeutic conversation, empathy, and patience, Erin was able to identify where the family was and gain permission from the woman to send an ambulance to check on the child.
Erin called 911 and activated law enforcement and an ambulance to their location to check the welfare of the child and the woman. Erin also involved case management and social work to assist with the family when they arrived at the ED. The woman was agitated when she called and felt frustrated and overwhelmed with her child. She was verbally abusive to Erin and her child during the conversation. Erin stayed composed and treated the woman with respect and gained her trust. This is a great example of the level of calls that the Triage Center nurses handle on a daily basis. Thank goodness that this woman called the triage center in her moment of crisis for help and that Erin answered her call with the knowledge, skill set, and poise that was needed to get her the assistance she and her son needed that day.
Erin called 911 and activated law enforcement and an ambulance to their location to check the welfare of the child and the woman. Erin also involved case management and social work to assist with the family when they arrived at the ED. The woman was agitated when she called and felt frustrated and overwhelmed with her child. She was verbally abusive to Erin and her child during the conversation. Erin stayed composed and treated the woman with respect and gained her trust. This is a great example of the level of calls that the Triage Center nurses handle on a daily basis. Thank goodness that this woman called the triage center in her moment of crisis for help and that Erin answered her call with the knowledge, skill set, and poise that was needed to get her the assistance she and her son needed that day.