Eva Skrivanova
December 2021
King Fahd Military Medical Complex
Eastern Province
Saudi Arabia




Eva was patient and understanding. She showed compassion and empathy.
Being admitted to the CICU is naturally very worrying. Patients are anxious and usually very scared, this is exactly how Mr. X felt. When patient, Mr. X, was admitted to the CICU post-surgery, although he worked in KFMMC, just like anyone else he was fearful and very anxious. He was in serve pain due to the operation. According to Mr. X, his nurse Eva, was a kind and caring angel. Mr. X said at time he was being uncooperative, but Eva was patient and understanding. She showed compassion and empathy. Even though there was a language barrier, she understood my needs and was able to provide the comfort and care that I felt I needed. Patient, Mr. X, admired her dedication, passion, and integrity. Eva Skrivanova is described by her colleagues as being very knowledgeable, calm, and caring towards all her patients. She always goes that extra mile to ensure that her patients are comfortable and happy. As a colleague, she is a team player.