June 2022
Seattle Children's Hospital
United States




Listening to Evan precept new nurses and patiently educate families with complex medical discharges inspired me to grow as a nurse and take on new roles throughout Seattle Children's Hospital (SCH).
Moving to a new state where you know almost no one is a challenge; and, connection with community becomes a goal to help ease the transition in feeling more accepted and welcome. There are rare individuals who have the power to do this with compassionate ease, and such individuals deserve recognition for their effortless kindness–this nomination is for Evan Whitson. It is second nature for Evan to treat all individuals with dignity and respect, which is inspirational, to say the least. Listening to Evan precept new nurses and patiently educate families with complex medical discharges inspired me to grow as a nurse and take on new roles throughout Seattle Children's Hospital (SCH).

For example, one time, Evan had an elaborate discharge which required interdisciplinary communication, home supply gathering, translated teaching, timely transportation assistance, and extensive education; after completing this rigorous task, Evan expressed his gratitude for the learning opportunity.

All-in-all, Evan has helped me grow as both a nurse and an individual, and I am grateful for his influence. Even though Evan was not my mentor, he would still take time to passionately explain the wonders of Washington and made the city & SCH feel like my home away from home. I humbly thank Evan for taking the time for opening Google Maps, detailing his bike routes around Washington, pointing out the wonders of this state, and making me feel less lonely & more accepted. Evan–you are a blessing.