Everett Moss
October 2019
Critical Care
WellStar Atlanta Medical Center
United States
Everett was one of my dad's first nurses upon entering Atlanta Medical Center's ICU, and he was also one of my dad's last nurses as my dad's journey came to an end in the ICU as well. My dad was in the ICU for almost 40 days. My brother and I were immediately impressed with Everett's kindness in caring for my father as well as his knowledgeable answers to all of our questions. Whether on the phone or in person, Everett was always polite and personable. If he didn't know the answer, then he would find it and get back with us. Even when he wasn't caring for my father as his patient, he would always stop by and check on us and him whenever we were there.
I nominate Everett because as a person, he made an impression on my brother and me. As a professional, Everett stood out to us as someone we could rely on for answers and good quality care. As a person, Everett became someone my brother and I could trust.
I don't believe in accidents, so I am very thankful that God chose to put Everett in our path during a very difficult time in our lives.
I nominate Everett because as a person, he made an impression on my brother and me. As a professional, Everett stood out to us as someone we could rely on for answers and good quality care. As a person, Everett became someone my brother and I could trust.
I don't believe in accidents, so I am very thankful that God chose to put Everett in our path during a very difficult time in our lives.