Feba Abraham
February 2023
King Fahad Specialist Hospital Dammam
Saudi Arabia
Feba ran to the basement where the laundry department is located and finally, they were able to find the lost keys and handed them over to the relative.
Miss Feba Abraham is an outstanding CN who is working in B2, Palliative, and Nuclear Unit. Being a CN she always goes the extra mile, in serving patients and companions.
Nearly at the end of the shift she responded to a call bell and to her surprise, she found a collapsed patient with no pulse. Immediately she called for CODE BLUE. The team responded and afterward, the patient was shifted to ICU.
She was prepared to go home but then again, one of the relatives ran to the station and informed Feba that he lost a bunch of important keys. Instead of going home, she gladly helped the patient and went to search for his keys in all the patients' rooms and the dirty utility linen room in the unit but unfortunately, all the soiled linen had been taken by the laundry team. Feba ran to the basement where the laundry department is located and finally, they were able to find the lost keys and handed them over to the relative.
She eventually left the unit at 2100H. Putting the needs of her patient before herself is a very selfless act. At that time also, she was in a hurry to go to the airport to catch her flight to India to be with her daughter who is sick and admitted to the hospital.
Nearly at the end of the shift she responded to a call bell and to her surprise, she found a collapsed patient with no pulse. Immediately she called for CODE BLUE. The team responded and afterward, the patient was shifted to ICU.
She was prepared to go home but then again, one of the relatives ran to the station and informed Feba that he lost a bunch of important keys. Instead of going home, she gladly helped the patient and went to search for his keys in all the patients' rooms and the dirty utility linen room in the unit but unfortunately, all the soiled linen had been taken by the laundry team. Feba ran to the basement where the laundry department is located and finally, they were able to find the lost keys and handed them over to the relative.
She eventually left the unit at 2100H. Putting the needs of her patient before herself is a very selfless act. At that time also, she was in a hurry to go to the airport to catch her flight to India to be with her daughter who is sick and admitted to the hospital.