December 2022
Outpatient Behavioral Health, Veteran's Empowerment Center
CMC VA HOSPITAL- Philadelphia PA
United States
I feel more whole, competent, and independent. You have expanded my world.
I am a Veteran’s Empowerment Center success story! As I am sure you remember, I was once a loner and not doing at all well. Then I worked with you individually on developing a series of personal goals. After a myriad of victories, I joined the Wednesday Wellness Group. I found the camaraderie of your group to be unmatched. Due to your guidance, I joined the Fit Vet Program, then the Philadelphia Museum of Arts “Veteran Empowerment Through Art”, the Peer Guides Group, the VA Mural Arts Club, The Artist’s Way Collaborative, and the “Hobby Club”. I have done cooking classes at the Philadelphia Library with you and a theatrical reading of ‘The Odyssey’ at Penn with you cheering me on in the crowd. I have gone on numerous outings with you under the proposition that depression cannot hit a moving target. With each successive VEC encounter, my sense of self has flourished. I feel more whole, competent, and independent. You have expanded my world. You have enhanced my life enormously. Today, I feel I have a fulfilling and meaningful future and I owe that to you.