Francia Medez
December 2020
Family Center
Carolinas HealthCare System Blue Ridge




She was comforting and was such a great support person and I felt as though I knew her longer than a few hours that I had. Francia felt more like an old friend to me.
My husband and I came to the hospital after concern arose at 39 weeks into our pregnancy with our first child. We arrived on the floor and our nurse immediately got us situated and informed us of what was going to happen. She kept us informed the entire time and continuously. We ended up being admitted and she kept us comfortable and at peace. Francia explained everything so well and in "English" not nurse/medical terms and assured us each time they came in the room that we were doing great and everything was going well. During my epidural, she was comforting and was such a great support person and I felt as though I knew her longer than a few hours that I had. Francia felt more like an old friend to me. During the labor pushing the doctor informed us I would need a C-section, but everything was going to be ok. I got upset because it wasn't part of the plan and I was scared and Francia was right there to calm me the entire time. Of all the people involved in my labor and delivery, Francia stands out to me the most. I will never forget what she did for me and my family and I know that she will say that she was just doing their job but to me, she went above and beyond and I will never be able to thank her to the extent she deserves.