Fred Tripp
October 2023
St. Joseph's Health Hospital
United States




Fred continued to remain calm, although I think he could sense my nervousness and fear for this patient. Fred promptly picked up the pace while pushing the bed and IV pole and directing me on what to do.
Yesterday was a day like no other I have had in my 16 years of nursing. 

During this day there were many things that went not as planned, protocols that were not followed, and new advances in our facility technologies that had an impact on the day, and could have had a greater negative impact, if it weren’t for the strength, knowledge, dedication, and attention our nurses have, and how well we work together as a team. However, despite that, I want to point out the good and acknowledge the great that happened and ask that, as a work family, we please recognize Fred Tripp for his excellence and exceptional ability to maintain composure and lead a situation. 

During a rapid response, Fred arrived from the ICU to attend to my patient. It was quickly determined that this patient needed to be brought to the ICU. Fred left shortly after his arrival and began our trip from PCU to ICU (which, if you have ever made this trip, you realize that it is approximately 5 minutes to get from one place to the other and involves at least two elevators and multiple turns and hallways). Fred’s demeanor started during the rapid response at the bedside in the PCU. He remained calm and immediately began assessing the patient and the situation and began preparing the patient to be brought to the ICU. I accompanied Fred with the patient. Approximately halfway there, the patient became unresponsive, and the situation turned dire. Fred continued to remain calm, although I think he could sense my nervousness and fear for this patient. Fred promptly picked up the pace while pushing the bed and IV pole and directing me on what to do. Only moments later, it was determined that CPR needed to be initiated. Fred, again, maintaining his composure, his calm attitude and unruffled voice, directed me to climb on the bed and begin chest compressions. As soon as I was on the bed, Fred began pushing us forward towards the next set of elevators. We met another transporter in the hall, again, Fred directed the situation in such a fashion as not to startle anyone but to assert the direness of our situation and the need to go past in the hall. Fred’s quick thinking, coming from 22 years of experience, delivered us to the lobby of the ICU, calling for assistance and being greeted by a team of outstanding professionals of nurses, doctors, respiratory therapist, and more. 

While there is so much more to this encounter, the main points are that Fred Tripp went far above and beyond and exemplified the true meaning of being a leader, an exceptional nurse, and an amazing human being. 

This day will stick with me for a long time, and I will constantly think about what I could have or should have done differently, but I will always remember the tone of Fred’s voice, keeping me calm and focused when he knew I was panicking on the inside. An immense thank you to Fred!