Gabriel Ahern
November 2022
5 South
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
United States
Often people offer help but few jump in when they see a nurse “drowning”. Today Gabe was my lifesaver.
At about 1730 I noticed my patient had a facial droop. Gabe was one of the 1st nurses in the room to help me. When telemetry called about another patient whose heart rate went up to 170s Gabe went and checked on him. Then Gabe returned to the room. As I was pushing my patient to cat-scan I asked someone to give another patient pain medication. Once again Gabe volunteered. While my patient was in the scanner the clerk called and said that another patient was ready for his discharge paperwork. When I returned it was Gabe who pulled the IV and went over the patient’s instructions. Gabe even recruited another nurse to print the AVS and complete the discharge charting. Because of Gabe, I was able to finish my shift at a decent time despite the unplanned emergency. More importantly, my patient was able to be discharged to pick up his medications, another did not have to wait in pain, and lastly, my other patient had a nurse by his side when his heart was stressed.
Often people offer help but few jump in when they see a nurse “drowning”. Today Gabe was my lifesaver. He basically took on my entire assignment along with his own. Because of this, I was able to focus on the patient that needed me the most. We were able to leave together, late, but supported.
Often people offer help but few jump in when they see a nurse “drowning”. Today Gabe was my lifesaver. He basically took on my entire assignment along with his own. Because of this, I was able to focus on the patient that needed me the most. We were able to leave together, late, but supported.