May 2023
Robert Wood Johnson Visiting Nurses
Visiting Nurse Association Health Group
North Brunswick
United States




Gabriel is able to work with our more challenging families and patients and establish a rapport.
Gabriel Wright is an LPN but is one of my most accomplished nurses. Nurses will look to her comprehensive documentation when reviewing a chart if they want an accurate picture of the patient. Gabriel precepts our LPN’s but I also send our new RN’s out with her for a few days because she is so knowledgeable and documents so well. Gabriel is able to work with our more challenging families and patients and establish a rapport. Gabriel will do whatever it takes for our patients. We had a patient that was going to be transferred from a home environment to a skilled nursing facility because he could no longer care for himself adequately. He was resistant to the change - alert and oriented but unrealistic. Gabriel arrived at the home, shortly before the patient was to be picked up by ambulance transport. The patient was crabby, very dirty, and incontinent. He also had a purulent draining abscess. He had been refusing care. His environment mirrored his current state. However, she was able to wash and dress him so he could be transported with dignity to a new situation. Other nurses would have been revolted. However, Gabriel was able to see him as a human being and provide firm yet compassionate care.