Genai Wacker
February 2022
The MetroHealth System
United States
Nurse Genai even came back after she was off work and sat with him.
This past week a friend of mine was hospitalized with cirrhosis of the liver and his kidneys were failing. At that point in time, he didn't have anyone to oversee his care and asked me to do so. I did so with no hesitation. As the days unfolded and it was determined that it was terminal, the staff was totally supportive. The doctors were incredibly kind and compassionate. This was not something I had prepared for and the support offered was amazing. As his health was failing more rapidly, Genai went over and above to not only care for him but to walk me through what was happening not only caring for G but me also.
One thing that G expressed was he only wanted to see his sons one last time before he passed away. He had been estranged for several years. It was difficult to get his ex to understand the urgency of the situation. Nurse Genai and I discussed the situation. I tried to wake him one day, determined to get him to dictate letters I could get to his sons but failed to do so. I left a note asking the staff to try and help, promising to deliver the letters. Genai called me that evening after a grueling night. She managed to get a hold of his ex and get through to her the urgency of his condition. As a result, G was able to talk to one of his sons for an hour and briefly to his other son. She shared that when he was done talking to them, he said, he was at peace, "I can go now." She let his cousin know about the situation and he arrived at the hospital. G didn't pass away alone, which was a concern I had. Nurse Genai even came back after she was off work and sat with him.
When G did pass, his cousin was also with him. I arrived at the hospital just after he had transitioned and was able to offer comfort to his cousin. Nurse Genai had G dictate the letters as I had asked and his cousin promised to deliver them to his sons for him. The work she did to bring the family together was hard, emotional, and comforting to G. It fulfilled his last wishes. I have never seen such dedication to patients before. She is truly amazing, dedicated, as well as loving, and kind. I can't thank her enough for all she did.
One thing that G expressed was he only wanted to see his sons one last time before he passed away. He had been estranged for several years. It was difficult to get his ex to understand the urgency of the situation. Nurse Genai and I discussed the situation. I tried to wake him one day, determined to get him to dictate letters I could get to his sons but failed to do so. I left a note asking the staff to try and help, promising to deliver the letters. Genai called me that evening after a grueling night. She managed to get a hold of his ex and get through to her the urgency of his condition. As a result, G was able to talk to one of his sons for an hour and briefly to his other son. She shared that when he was done talking to them, he said, he was at peace, "I can go now." She let his cousin know about the situation and he arrived at the hospital. G didn't pass away alone, which was a concern I had. Nurse Genai even came back after she was off work and sat with him.
When G did pass, his cousin was also with him. I arrived at the hospital just after he had transitioned and was able to offer comfort to his cousin. Nurse Genai had G dictate the letters as I had asked and his cousin promised to deliver them to his sons for him. The work she did to bring the family together was hard, emotional, and comforting to G. It fulfilled his last wishes. I have never seen such dedication to patients before. She is truly amazing, dedicated, as well as loving, and kind. I can't thank her enough for all she did.