January 2021
Ascension Seton Hays




At that moment I felt as if I had just witnessed a spiritual moment between a devoted nurse and patient. Genevieve is always going above and beyond to connect in many ways with her patients.
I wanted to share with you a beautiful interaction I witnessed between a patient and a nurse in the pre-surgery department. There was an older gentleman and his daughter who appeared to be very nervous. I witnessed this nurse walk in and immediately bring comfort to the patient through her actions and caring words. The patient turned to the nurse and said, "I have to ask you 3 questions before we start."
#1 "Do you believe in Jesus?"
Her response was, "Of course, we are best buddies, we talk all the time."
#2 "Do you know the holy spirit?"
Her response was, "The holy spirit is in us always and keeps me going."
#3 Do you sing?"
Her response was, "I love to sing Christian songs, that is why I am in the church choir."
I began to see the patient immediately begin to relax and smile, then his daughter proclaimed, "Dad you have THE NURSE!"
The patient began to explain to the nurse why he asked these specific questions. "I asked you if you sing because I used to be in the music industry." You have answered all my questions perfectly! I will always remember you and constantly pray for you and your family."
At that moment I felt as if I had just witnessed a spiritual moment between a devoted nurse and patient. Genevieve is always going above and beyond to connect in many ways with her patients. This is just one example of how her passion for her patient's mind, body, and spirit makes her stand out as an exceptional nurse.
Note: This is Genevieve's 2nd DAISY Award!