Gigi Leon
February 2020
The Everett Clinic
United States




My Dad has dementia and is newly on a catheter due to BPH. It is unclear if he will be able to have surgery due to his need for blood thinners. He was passing a lot of blood this week and steadily decreasing urine. I took him into the walk-in clinic and that team of doctors and aides were great, but they couldn't clear the catheter to allow the urine to pass again. Dr. T at the walk-in talked directly to Gigi in Urology and she made a same-day appointment for immediate care.
When we arrived, Gigi was quick to assess the situation and carefully read all the chart notes. She surmised that the new curved type of catheter inserted last week as a replacement might be contributing to the lack of effectiveness, but had to weigh the possibility of a re-do if the straight type didn't get past the blockage (as had happened last week). She made sure to reassure and acknowledge all my dad's pain and assured him that she would do everything to make the new catheter insert as quick and painless as possible. She made sure to insert some kind of lidocaine lubricant prior to catheter insertion -which really helped make the insertion bearable for my dad.
Gigi changed the catheter stabilization system from a band to an adhesive type - which I think will really help decrease the amount of tube movement which had added to my dad's discomfort. He has dementia and isn't able to empty his bags. It was the least painful catheter insertion my dad has experienced.
Finally, Gigi drew my attention to the skin irritation he had where the bag attached to the leg. Gigi gave me tips on how to create a cushion for these areas using old socks. I just got done creating one and it works great! Thank you thank you thank you to Gigi for making sure all my dad's issues and pain were dealt with in the most respectful caring and effective manner. We noticed big time.