Grace Mata
October 2023
Adult Intensive Cardiac Care Unit
UCSF Medical Center
San Francisco
United States




She then went way above and beyond by walking me to the ER, guiding me with her own arm because I had an ice pack over my broken nose and couldn't see where I was going.
I suffered a bad bike accident on the street about half a mile from UCSF at Parnassus, just as Grace was on her way to pick up dinner before starting her shift. She immediately sprang into action to see if I was all right. When she realized I wasn't, Grace dropped what she was doing and made sure all my things were together, including delegating my bike to another neighbor who offered to put it in his garage, carrying my backpack for me, and tucking my valuables into my pockets. She then went way above and beyond by walking me to the ER, guiding me with her own arm because I had an ice pack over my broken nose and couldn't see where I was going. She carried my things (and my backpack was heavy!) for several blocks and made sure I wasn't bumping my broken wrist while reassuring me that it was going to be all right once I had been seen. Then, when we arrived at the ER, she explained to the staff what had happened to me and made sure I was seen right away because I had hit my head very hard when I flew off my bike. She even gave me her phone number and texted me later that night to make sure I was okay! Throughout this experience, Grace was modest and declined my thanks, saying only that she happened to be in the area and was happy to help, but to me, this was truly going above and beyond when she wasn't even working. Grace showed that to her, being a nurse is more than a job; it's truly a calling. It isn't something a person does, it's something they are. I am so grateful for her kindness, levelheaded responses, and calm under pressure. I would never have made it to the hospital in such good shape and certainly would not have been seen so quickly if not for her since I was having trouble understanding questions and making myself understood. She was a star that day in rescuing me and making sure I got the care I needed.