April 2022
Missouri Western State University
St. Joseph
United States




This nurse was already impressed by Hai’s initiative and knowledge while at clinical, however, she was completely taken aback by the kindness and compassion he extended to her.
This past semester I had the privilege of having Hai Le as a nursing student during his pediatric rotation at Children’s Mercy. Hai demonstrated himself to be a very bright student, who worked hard to understand the pathology behind each of his disease processes each week. He consistently arrived prepared and focused for clinical each week despite being involved in a multi-car accident and totaling his car in the midst of his clinical rotation. I could speak to many other reasons Hai should be considered for this award, but I will instead provide this one example in which Hai demonstrated true compassion and concern for a nurse he was assigned to work with in a tangible way. Following clinical one week, Hai realized that his nurse had gone without lunch as she was assigned some very sick patients requiring urgent blood products and chemotherapy treatments. Upon returning to clinical the next week, Hai again found himself paired with this same nurse. He observed, that this nurse yet again had a busy day ahead of her, with multiple transfusions and chemotherapy treatments. Unbeknownst to this nurse or any others, Hai chose to use his lunch break to purchase this nurse some lunch and ensure she took a quick break to eat. This nurse was already impressed by Hai’s initiative and knowledge while at clinical, however, she was completely taken aback by the kindness and compassion he extended to her. This act of kindness left a permanent impression on her and the nursing staff who witnessed it. Hai’s compassion for this nurse and his decision to act on the nurse’s behalf is a valuable character trait in a nurse. His future patients and co-workers will be very lucky and blessed to have him as an advocate and support. Thank you, Hai, for going above and beyond in demonstrating compassion towards this nurse!