Hailey Malles
January 2024
Epilepsy Monitoring Unit
AdventHealth for Children
United States




She developed a trusting relationship with the patient's mom, and that relationship helped reassure her when things became more chaotic in the room.
A couple of nights ago, Hailey had an EPI patient getting a routine EEG. During one of her assessments, she noticed that the patient didn't seem to be at her baseline. Although the patient was sleeping, and it was the middle of the night, Hailey's keen assessment skills led her to investigate further. She found that the patient's heart rate and respiratory rate were considerably low for her age. Hailey decided to get a second set of eyes on the patient, and the situation quickly developed into a rapid response, and the patient was sent to the PICU. What's remarkable about this situation, outside of the excellent care that Hailey provided and her ability to advocate for this patient, is how thoroughly she covered all her bases from the moment she assumed care of the patient – displaying our service standards, Make It Easy and Own It.

At the start of the shift, when she called to confirm with pharmacy that the dose of the steroid was safe to administer to the patient, that all her safety checks were completed, and that she knew this patient from head to toe – all displaying our service standards Keep Me Safe and Own It. She developed a trusting relationship with the patient's mom, and that relationship helped reassure her when things became more chaotic in the room. Hailey made a point of telling mom who each additional caregiver was, what they were doing, and helping to respect mom's right to know what is happening, while it's happening – displaying Love Me. There is no doubt that the patient's mother knew how deeply she and her child were cared for by their nurse and the care team.

The next night, when discussing how scary a situation like that can be, through tears, Hailey shared with me something that moved me to tears as well. She said, Before I started my shift, I prayed that God would use my hands to heal. Isn't it amazing how God moves in our lives.” Hailey's care in the moment and her gratitude to God afterward, are truly moving. She reminds me that our service standard, Love Me, also applies to the way God loves us, and how he uses us to provide so much to these patients, their families, and our communities. I believe Hailey's selflessness, even in recognizing how incredibly well she handled a scary and stressful situation, is beautiful. It absolutely reflects her as a person and nurse. She's always willing to pray with patients and team members alike. She is a true DAISY Nurse.