July 2017
Chamberlain University College of Nursing (Troy, MI campus)
United States




"Professor Lehrer is by far one of the sweetest people that I have ever encountered. When I entered college, I assumed that professors were not there for YOU, rather to do their job. Professor Lehrer has proved me otherwise. She goes above and beyond to make sure that her students are understanding the material and make it enjoyable. Professor Lehrer takes the time to make crosswords pertaining to the chapters we go over, matching games, and has us play "Taboo" in class to make sure we are retaining the new terms that we are learning. I have never had a professor that has been so dedicated to making their class as enjoyable and such a great learning experience as Professor Lehrer. On top of all of that, if you have questions about other classes, she will do what she can to help with that, too! Or ask other instructors questions and come back to us with an answer. She is most definitely the best professor I've ever had and it's only Week 3. I hope that everyone sees Professor Lehrer the way that I do. Chamberlain is lucky to have such a great, dedicated, kind, intelligent, professor and I am lucky too. 
Professor Lehrer is a great educator in numerous ways. Hannah is able to relay the content material in a realistic,understandable way, she is understanding to individual needs but also has healthy boundaries. She is accommodating, giving many opportunities for individuals to learn as we know every one learns differently, and she makes it possible to tap into each learning style while teaching."