Helen Welsh
November 2023
Center for Restorative Care
University of Michigan Health - West
United States




She came in like an angel, a ray of sunshine; with her compassion, her smile, and her positivity.
I had cervical infusion surgery. After ten long night hours of taking oxycodone medication, which did not sit right with me by morning, Helen was able to switch me to steroids and just Tylenol. Per the doctor's order, got me up and to physical therapy and turned my recovery around in a matter of 3 hours. Prior to that, I was pretty much immobile in bed, and I could barely make it to the commode next to my bed. She came in like an angel, a ray of sunshine; with her compassion, her smile, and her positivity, she made it so I actually went home after one night's stay in the hospital. When just hours prior, there was no way I could have gone home even that day or possibly the next day. Helen actually showed so much compassion for the horrible night that I had because the night shift was short-staffed, taking oxycodone and anti-nausea, and trying not to vomit in my vulnerable airway from having neck surgery. She came in and turned it around for me. It was amazing. I have never experienced anything like this before in my life.