Holly Menzie
December 2020
Pediatrics and PICU
Mercy Hospital Springfield




Holly does not take no for an answer when it is what's best for our patients. She has a high standard for justice and always does what's right, no matter the cost to her.
Holly Menzie is the embodiment of a DAISY Nurse Leader. Her leadership began while as a bedside nurse in PICU and has continued to flourish as a nurse manager. She is an incredible role model. She is compassionate and hardworking. She is an extraordinary advocate for patients, her employees, and departments, as well as Mercy as a healthcare system. She does not take no for an answer when it is what's best for our patients. She has a high standard for justice and always does what's right, no matter the cost to her. She has pushed the pediatric areas to a higher standard of care with grace.
Holly is ALWAYS available. She will come in on weekends, holidays, and night shifts to support the staff, no questions asked. She initiated "thankful Thursday's" in which she purchases snacks and drinks for the staff and rounds on the entire Women's and Children's cluster well into the night and even early morning hours. She often will not leave until she knows staff is settled and comfortable. She will even sleep in her office just so staff knows they have her as a resource if that's what they need. Holly is approachable. Many of our coworkers go to her for advice and a listening ear. They know she truly cares for them and that they can come to her about anything. It's not uncommon for Holly to reach out to a coworker after they've had a rough day at work or if she knows they're having challenges in their personal life. You will not find anyone who celebrates her staff more than Holly. She makes a big deal about IV starts, passing certification tests, birthdays, etc. She's truly invested in the lives of her coworkers and always preaches that family comes first. She is a "mama bear" and through her leadership, she has brought numerous departments together and we are more like family than coworkers because of it. Holly truly listens to her coworkers and what they need/want while also pushing them to think outside the box to come up with solutions on their own. Holly sees the good in everyone. She doesn't hold people's flaws against them but pushes them towards professional growth and has helped many coworkers achieve goals they did not feel were possible.
Holly is one heck of a nurse and does not hesitate to jump in and resource, take a team; whatever needs to be done to make sure the staff is supported, but ultimately that patients are cared for in the best way possible. Staff often asks for Holly's opinion and assessment. She's the person you want when things go awry. Holly expects the best from us and for our patients, but she sets this expectation in a way that we all strive to accomplish, rather than feeling we'll be penalized if not.
Holly is a champion for the pediatric patient. She even created an annual health rally for Mercy Kids with an incredible first year turnout. Holly is a perfect example of servant leadership. She is just inspiring to be around. She makes you want to do better. There is no doubt in any of our coworker's minds that she believes in and fights for the mission of Mercy and is deserving of recognition.