Improving Lives, Providing Hope at Emory Johns Creek Hospital
May 2023
Improving Lives, Providing Hope
at Emory Johns Creek Hospital
Emergency Services
Emory Johns Creek Hospital
Johns Creek
United States
Kimberly Williams, RN
Amanda Platt, RN
Amanda Geer, RN
Vivian Mason, (PCT)
Laura Skillen, RN




A patient was brought in from the local transit station to our ED with complaints of leg pain. During her assessment, the patient shared with Kimberly Williams that she was homeless. Although the patient was treated and ready for discharge, Kimberly recognized the patient had significant hygiene needs and that we could help with more than just her medical care.  Despite a busy ED, Kimberly reached out to the charge nurse, Amanda Platt, to see what could be done. Since our ED does not have showers, Amanda collaborated with Kimberly and Amanda Geer to develop a plan to meet the patient’s needs and approached Laura Skillen, assistant nurse manager, to request use of the shower in the decontamination room. With approval from Laura, Amanda Geer, and Vivian Mason helped the patient to take a shower and get cleaned up. In addition, Kimberly recognized that the patient would need clean clothes to change into, so she went to her home nearby and picked up clothing that would fit the patient. Once the patient was ready to be discharged, Amanda Platt continued to be sensitive to the patient’s needs by asking where the patient would like to go, rather than assuming she would prefer the nearest shelter. The patient requested to be transported near the Atlanta airport, over 35 miles away, as that is where she felt the most comfortable, and an Uber was ordered. Consistent with our hospital’s mission, our nursing team provided this patient with compassionate care while maintaining her dignity and helping her to leave us in a better state than she arrived.